Tuesday, December 7, 2010

winter has arrived early

not that it wasn't expected
living in canada it is inevitable
but last year was so mild
i was just being hopeful
temperatures have been chilly
and yesterday we got a lite dusting of snow
(nothing compared to my friends just a few mile north)

i really do love the change of seasons
my favorite is the silhouette of a tree

they say
"in like a lion, out like a lamb"
(i think it is only 100 days 'til spring)
until then i will stay in, keep warm and plan my garden


  1. love your photos..you can make anything look enticing!! it's freezing here too.. and like you are experiencing winter has arrived early...wonder if we'll have lots of snow again? Stop by and enter my blog giveaway if you've got a minute...

  2. Love your lion. I've been planning my garden as well. It looks so clean these days, I like that too, but by spring I'm ready for some jungle.


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