Tuesday, December 21, 2010

time to play

with a few days left before christmas
i actually got a chance to play around in ps
i downloaded a set of 6
snowflake brushes from my friend marie
thanks marie, these are so much fun!!!
i started out with a photo from the top of my street
i used the snowflake as an eraser to remove the hard edge
then with white and blue i alternated sizes, colour and opacity
using my new wacom bamboo instead of the mouse
i found it easier to work with this time
and think i'm really going to like the class i sign up for


  1. I recognize that photo! .....love what you did...at this rate you'll be way ahead by the time your class starts!

  2. Merry Christmas Nancy! Hope you and beanie get a few good cat naps in after all you've accomplished this year.

  3. A fun piece, and interesting to read about the process you used. I knew you'd love the wacom pen!


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