Saturday, December 11, 2010

new toy

this is my new toy
a wacom bamboo tablet
an early christmas present to me
i'm taking an on-line class with marie otero next month
and need some time to learn how it works
i like working with the pen
and it was fun using the eraser
but it took me an hour to write
merry christmas!!!
i will need more practice before class starts !!!


  1. I bought one just recently too and am taking Marie's course as well. Have to apply myself to becoming more familiar with it. I tend to revert to what is habitual and familiar when I am busy ... like now! Good Luck! (Your "Merry Christmas" looks good to me!)

  2. something new...I've never seen one...what is it?

    I just switched from PC to a mac and I'm relearning a world without right clicks...I keep returning to my pc when i'm in a hurry so hopefully January will be a good time to improve my skills! enjoy your class!!

  3. You won't regret buying that toy for one second! I've had a Wacom tablet for a couple of years and find it invaluable for all the work I do in Photoshop. I must admit I still haven't learned all its ins and outs and writing takes quite a bit of practice to look nice. Hours of fun and practicality all rolled into one little device.

  4. Great toy. I've been "toying" with the idea of getting one too. But which one? Your Merry Christmas looks good.


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