Monday, November 15, 2010

sunrise, sunset

what a wonderful weekend
to be able to wake up in the morning
and see this view
life couldn't get any better!!
listening to the waves all nite and being
this close to the water sooths my soul
and i love how the early morning light
reflex's off the waves

we had to drive a few kilometres around the bluff
to see the sunset

a special thank-you to my friends dede and mary
for a spectacular weekend filled with
laughs, art and friendship

photos take between owen sound and wiarton
on georgian bay


  1. I feel relaxed just looking at your photos!

  2. How lovely, and to have two friends to have a great time with as well. AND I got a lovely surprise in the mail today. THANK YOU So much. You needn't have had to send the envelopes they are going out of my house. Thank You again, you are too kind.

  3. Lovely images Nancy, so glad you had a good time.

  4. What beautiful pictures of what must have been a wonderful time.

  5. What a beautiful, peaceful place! I love your blog header too..don't remember that being there last time I was here. Adorable!


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