Monday, November 22, 2010

jewelry fun

yesterday my friend karen came over
to teach a group of us girls
how to make this beautiful necklace
( yes leslie, it does look like a sausage!)
it was a fun day!!!

after everyone left i decided to make a second one
a little bit better
i went to bed dreaming of new creations
so........ this morning i decided to head downtown
and get some supplies!

i stopped by lacy to some 24 gauge wire
(they have moved a few doors away at 69 queen st e.)
i got the last 5 rolls of wire
sorry girls, they will have more next week!!
then off to arton for some beads, chain and more wire
(yes leslie, i needed more beads!)
so.............. with all my new supplies

i got to work making another one
( i may need an intervention)


  1. What a fantastic neckless! Hold the calls! You are busy for the next weeks. 5 rolls only?

  2. Thanks for the heads up on Lacys moving! I had no idea.

  3. Remember now ... I've got dibs on one of those rolls of copper!

  4. ooooooh, I LIKEY!!! Love it, Nancy!!

  5. I have to concede that one can never have enough beads when constructing sausages! As usual your work is amazing. I love them all! By the time I get back, you may need sugar...I'll be over with the cupcakes! Intervention indeed.

    My word is "trofles"...perhaps Truffles instead????

  6. Beautiful neck to display beautiful sausages. Truly, they don't look like sausages. I'm having trouble keeping my beads even - everything is popping out all over the place. I tried using 18ga wire for the armature and it seems to be adquate for holding the shape.
    My dear, you absolutely excel at every project..

  7. What fun you've had and you are so clever.


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