Wednesday, November 10, 2010

encaustic class

my last class of the year
i didn't have time to finish
so i added a bit more colour when i got home
and a photo in ps
when i get some time i'll do a permanent transfer

a few close up details
hopefully i will get some time before the holidays
to work in my studio


  1. Love the texture and glowing color of this one Nancy.

  2. I think I have some of that anaglyptic (sp?) wallpaper somewhere. Now I'll have to take up encaustic :) I have yards of the stuff that I think was going to be a border at one time. Lovely idea, your work is stunning.

  3. I just have one question. When is your next show? (I have your angel looking down on me as I type this).

  4. Nancy this is beautiful. I would love to know what you mean by permanent transfer?
    I have my little set on my work space and stare at it daily too intimidated to know what to do with it :o( I will have to jump in sooner or later.


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