Friday, October 1, 2010

keeping busy

now that i've got the jewelry bug
i've been going back and forth from
wire to beads and then combining both
i borrowed a book from my friend
making vintage jewelry
emma brennan

the beaded flowers caught my eye
and have since made several
so today i added the chain to
see how they look as necklaces

and of course beanie was there to
keep an eye on things
do quality check
and to help!!!


  1. Oh that Beanie Baby! If you can't find her one'll know where to come and find her :) Glad she's keeping her eye on your latest works of art!

  2. I'm finally getting the chance to really take a good look at everyone's blog and you new design is fantastic, not to mention your jewelry.

  3. Absolutely lovely, love Beanie too. I can't believe you are so productive with her around. Or maybe my cat is just a wacho.

  4. What beautiful jewelry. I love the new blog banner, too.


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