Wednesday, October 20, 2010

encaustic class

i'm feeling under the weather
so today's project was something familiar
i've done this project in the past
and have many people wanting to purchase the original
but since it is one of my first and like a baby
i decided to try replicating it using a different image

a sheet of text covered in clear wax
with a photo transfer of a tree on top
layers of white wax to create some texture
i used painters tape to make the grid of squares and rectangles
added black oil paint and mineral spirits to highlite the texture


  1. Sorry you are feeling under the weather. sidetrack...Where do you suppose that term comes from? Hmmm...anyway, I hope you will be feeling better very soon. This art piece is very serene looking. Still, quiet and wintery.

  2. Lovely piece Nancy! Feel better soon xoxo M

  3. This is fantastic.. I thought those were tiles around the photo!
    Hope you are feeling better though I must say feeling under the weather has not adversely affectd your creative muse in the slightest!

  4. oooh.
    i love your new blog design not too mention, and i must, all the lovely imagery i am seeing.!
    autumn is here...sigh.
    enjoy a walk in the leaves for me!

  5. Hope you are feeling better SOON! Thanks for the explanation of "how you created" this beautiful piece. So many mysteries for those of us on the newbie side of things!

  6. I can see why everyone wants to buy this piece. It's the perfect combination of tactile and ethereal.


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