Wednesday, October 6, 2010

encaustic class

i've been watching the trees and my street change colours all week
so with a large supply it was an easy decision on what to do in class
lots of layers of wax with leaves in between
a photo transfer on top and then a few more leaves to finish it off

this one i decided to add a little sienna oil paint to finish it off


  1. Lovely! Really evokes the Autumnal spirit!

  2. Lovely. This truly speaks of autumn.

  3. Reminds me of school days where we had to collect all the leaves and "press" them between layers of WAX PAPER. Hmmmmm... I loved the hunt for all the different leaves. Early encaustic work?

  4. You continue to surprise me with your clever use of elements.

  5. I like the autumn leaves layered with the wax, very nice piece.


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