Sunday, September 12, 2010

new look

one thing leads to another................
while taking marie's on-line class
she told us about coffee shop
free stuff for photo shop
once i had a chance to really look over the site
i found that they do custom blog designs
i've always wanted to change my look
and with the help from rita
it is finally happening
just a few more "tweaks"
above, me in my red shoes
which i used for my banner


  1. What a great looking the red shoes...great minds think alike:)....I did red shoes this week tooooo. I think you need the matching purse though:) You really inspire with what you are showing with your photo shop...mmmmmm

  2. It turned out beautiful! It is like a back to school new fall outfit!

  3. I love coloured shoes. Heck I love shoes. Great new look.

  4. wow...I love the new look Nancy and that's a great shot of you in your red shoes! I took a peek around coffee shop and their blog designs are fantastic..right up my alley! thanks for the heads up.. I'm thinking of using them when I'm ready to create a new look.. I like Rita's style. I did a little thank you post to you the other day for the lovely package you sent me this summer.. again i really appreciate your thoughtfulness and am looking forward to getting back to creating.
    Looking forward to watching your new blog unfold...

  5. For a minute there I thought I was on the wrong blog! Very nice, niffty new look.

  6. adorable new look! you must be cooking other things up as well!!

  7. Looking good. I really love the scripted font for the titles.

  8. How fun!!!! Love the red shoes, looks fabulous.


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