Tuesday, August 3, 2010

country weekend. part 2

a day in the vivian forest
823 acres in the north end of
whitchurch-stouffville five cowgirls and one city slicker
we could not of asked for a better day
and the ride in was wonderful and so peaceful
we wondered through meadows and farms
narrow sandy paths and wide ones too
up and down several hills

after 3 hours we finally reached the pond
what a great resting place
(i really do have to get used to "county time")
it takes me awhile to let go of the

hustle of the city

the horses seem to enjoy it more than us
3 paints having a "splash off"

back home 7 hours later
it was time to thank the horses for a
spectacular day

i am so grateful to have had this
lovely experience
a special thank you to
lisa for inviting me
and liz, erin, jerry and lorraine
watching out for me


  1. Nancy,what a fabulous weekend. I would have loved to have been doing that too!
    Hugs a bunch xoxo

  2. Looks absolutely beautiful. Are you sore?


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