Friday, July 16, 2010

my new favorite book

the next best thing to having your own personal
tour thought paris with carmi
is having a copy of her book
i received my copy in the mail on my birthday
and have been enjoying it
each morning with my coffee
it is over a hundred pages of beautiful photos
a day to day guide through the neighbourhoods
trips and tricks on everything
places to stay, favorite shops,
flee markets and antiques, jewelry, fabric,
guided tours, attractions and the metro,
anything an artsy girl would need to know
with websites and phone numbers
it will definitely be in my bag for my next trip
but for now i can enjoy the memories
it is the perfect companion for anyone
traveling to paris


  1. In my excitement to mail it...I forgot the b-day card!

  2. I hope my copy arrives soon, I'm running low on ideas.

  3. Belated Happy Birthday. I ordered my copy of the book and am looking forward to it.

  4. looks like a winner of a book...especkiaaly for planning your next voyage!


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