Tuesday, July 6, 2010

it's like a heat wave!!!

with temperatures in the 30's
(and with the humidity
it feels like 40 celsius)
it was a good day to stay inside....
going through some old photos
i came a cross my
winter file folder
it wasn't that long ago we where
wishing for warmer weather!!!!
above, one of my photos from
earlier this year
i added a few textures
and using the color dodge and
color burn blending modes


  1. This really made me laugh. I remember using one of those tires as a float on Georgian Bay when I was a kid.

  2. sweet.. it is a heat wave here! We've had our share of weather extremes this year...
    it's been so dry here even the birds go crazy when my sprinkler is on...

  3. love what you did with this photo. You really are a Photoshop Enchantress. We're having the same weather here; maybe I should get out my winter photos, too.

  4. Oooooh that's so nice isn't it!?? Lovely job and great idea! My verification word is "reversti"...guess it means the seasons are mixed up on your blog. Let it snow,let it snow, let it snow....then we can complain about that! XXXOOO

  5. Love the sharpening effect the blend modes had. I'm with you on the heat...we were at 100f yesterday. AND it was humid to boot! : P

  6. Brrrrr - glad I live in Southern CA. Such a winter wonderland. Love what you did with this.

  7. I likey!!!! I don't live very far from you and it is so hot and humid here. I haven't had time to play with the digital class yet but am so looking forward to it.

  8. I remeber you using a similar photo when we did DJ's class and there were so many photo's that everyone had of this incredible deep thick snow. I can't imagine that it can go from one extreme to another.


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