Thursday, July 1, 2010

happy canada day!!!

to all my fellow canadians
happy canada day!!
photo taken in my front yard
on my i phone and i added a mask
from shadowhouse creations
and what would canada day be without
a little stompin' tom??


  1. What would Canada Day be without Stompin Tom.

  2. Oops pressed enter too quickly. Love your shot. For me Canada Day has to include the Bare and Naked Ladies. Happy Canada Day

  3. Happy Canada Day to you, too! You're the only other blogger I know whose put a Stompin'Tom video on her blog.

    Fireworks tonight should present good photo ops to play with digitally!

  4. Nancy,
    Happy Canada day on the heels of our Fourth of July! Love that link..and your shot thanks!!
    I'm having a giveaway on my blog.. please stop by and enter!!

  5. I LOVE Stompin' Tom -- as much as ketchup loves potatoes!


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