Friday, July 9, 2010

finaly some rain

it's been pouring rain since late last nite
and today the humidity is bearable
the grass is greener, the birds are enjoying
all the puddles
and my garden is looking very lush
above , i love the way rain sits on
the lady's mantel

inside i've been busy with the invitations
double sided silver paper with matching envelopes
black matt and linen invites
wrapped in velum
with the corners punched
all tied up with a shear black ribbon with tiny dots

25 finished
and 25 just need the bows tied

it's been awhile since i've done this kind of work
i'm really happy how they came out
and most importantly
so are the bride and her mom!!!


  1. These look lovely Nancy, I am sure the bride will be thrilled.

  2. invites are lovely! been raining here on and off since the 4th... no hot weather here!!

  3. Lovely work on the invites, and I'm so glad we got that rain. My hydrangea were really paying the price.

  4. Love the rain upon the leaves. Cool. Refreshing.

    Pretty Invites. Once upon a time I use to hand write invites for nervous brides. That was a long, long time ago thought!

    Happy weekend! Blessings Eden

  5. Happy to hear about the rain at home. I'm wondering how my gardens are doing. Your invitations came our really nicely, everyone will be delighted.

  6. You might be wondering why Larry left a comment....we're on the move Lyon-Brussels etc. and I'm using his computer instead of forking over 22euro per day for mine as well! Forgot to change the identity, but it's me! Zoe's Mamere!

  7. Nancy these are great - hope the bride appreciates all of your lovely work - class act.

  8. lovely work on the many did you have to make?!
    we finally had some rain here yesterday..what a green relief!


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