Friday, June 11, 2010

street art

one of my favorite things to photograph
is street grunge
(they make great background and overlays in ps)
bulletin boards, mailboxes,
cracked and peeling anything
stone, wood, metal
rusted objects and telephone
like the one above
it caught my from across the street
it was the blue base
as i was taking photos
moving up the pole
i noticed a photo of a telephone pole and an another
so i read it
bearing witness:
totems of communications
pat dumas-hudecki
what a cool idea

as i wondered around the pole taking shots
i wondered what was part of the art and what
could have been already there

now i must be on the hunt for more!!!


  1. Sometimes as I wander through blogland I find so many sources of inspiration that my mind can't cope. It is spilling over like a fountain! I'm off out now to take pics of telegraph poles and plan my geurilla art!

  2. And I thought Martha with her pole scarf was cool!

  3. LOve the colors in that first pic. And the fork on the pole....interesting. I wonder if that was a leftover fro the tepelphone mans lunch?! LOL! Awesome find....

  4. Nancy, this is so cool! Fabulous images!


  5. Greetings Nancy,

    Now I do not feel all so alone, knowing that I am not the only one interested in telephone poles and what is left behind.

    I love the fork and though I have seen some unusual things, this one certainly takes the price.

    Wishing you all the best,


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