Tuesday, May 4, 2010

paris street grunge or art?

as i wondered the streets of paris
i managed to use my little camera
for my favorite -- grunge shots
there was tons of stuff to shoot
above are a few of my favorite
several stencils, funny plaster faces ,
rusted and painted doors and
paper covered drain pipes everywhere!
in french so they will make great overlays in ps

a peeling billboard in the subway

and my reflection in a window covered in graffiti

i still haven't gone throught all of my photos
but i know i will have months of fun
playing with them in ps


  1. Oh yes, I am loving these pictures Nancy, I have no doubt you will create much magic with all the pics you took!

  2. I don't think you'll ever get through all those pictures in this lifetime!

  3. Very cool photos. You are a Photoshop Queen! And, I love the new banner.

  4. Nancy, those are amazing prints.. gorgeous..you are such a talented artist and photographer! Welcome back!

  5. The thing is, that you always make street grunge INTO art! You have really opened my eyes to city life. This latest is no exception. Excellent.

  6. Great selection. And for me...grunge is art!


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