Sunday, May 30, 2010


with temperatures reaching a springtime high
and today it's 30c
i'm so happy to have a shade garden

with all this heat things are blooming weeks early


  1. wow, your clematis is in bloom! MIne grew more than 3ft, in the time we were away, but no blooms yet.

  2. Sooo pretty and with such big blooms. I love the color.

  3. A few of my clematis have burst, but only the very early ones. Now that I have most of the stuff up off the ground I'm expecting big things! Off to fertilize today!

  4. gorgeous pics! some of my clematis is blooming too but most of mine blooms in late August. The excess snow we had this winter really fueled my garden..everything is growing like crazy.

  5. i am absolutely loving my lessons...your pieces are lovely too...can't wait for this week...blessings Eden


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