Wednesday, May 19, 2010

encaustic class

some days you just have to let go
which is hard for me
i always have to have a plan
be in control
know exactly what i want to do
and how to get it done
today i was drawing a blank
a big blank
i dreamt of this great idea
it work out perfect in my dreams
and then when i got to class
which was frustrating a first
but i did let go and thought
i would just spend the class practicing
or try new color schemes
which lead to the 2 long boards above
this one was created with lots of wax
crisscrossing back and forth
to create lots of texture
but it looked boring so i stared adding
splashes and drops
and then came the drips!!!!
finally oil paint and scraping
back and forth until i liked the results

in between layers on the first board
i worked on the second
this time
a thick layer of wax and then covered
with parchment paper
out came it iron and with the help
of my class mate ron
we created some really cool bubbles
using the same technique
with the oil paint and mineral spirits
added more color
which enhanced the texture
i think next week i will
add a third board and maybe a
photo transfer


  1. your experimentation with paint and words makes me smile. inspiring.

  2. cool...the colors and textures you are creating without control...priceless...

  3. I love how these turned out.

  4. such beautiful textures and colors!

  5. This is just so great. Thank you so much for the Marie Otero connection she's a great teacher.

  6. I can definitely relate to the feeling of wanting something to turn out the way I had pictured, and then being very disappointed that the creativity well seems to be dry! Good for you for persevering -- those look great! I really like the drippy one!


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