Wednesday, April 7, 2010

playing around

i've been sick with this nasty cold
first one in years and it comes just before my trip
so i've been hopped up of cold meds
and playing with my i phone around the house
not sure what app i used for the rose
but i know is use the kaleidoscope one for the top photo
hopefully i will have it all figured out before i leave
only 2 more sleeps and one long flight
i'll be in paris!!!
the roses were a gift from my friends
jannet and sabrina
from my encaustic show a few weeks ago
and they are just starting to bloom
they look wonderful in my bay window
thanks girls!


  1. I am so excited for you and hoping that you feel so much better very soon... before two sleeps!!!

  2. love your art! hope you get better before your trip!! iphones are a great way to amuse one's self aren't they? Hipstamatic is a cool photo app for polaroid style pics.
    Hope you get lots of great photos in Paris!

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Have a wonderful trip. I'd imagine we'll have lots of pictures to look at when you get back. :)

    Let me know when you're home so we can get the pictures chosen and the interview posted. It looks good.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Paris will be a good cure I am sure!

  5. I too hope you'll be better soon.

  6. Bon Voyage! I hope you feel better before you go.

  7. bon voyage. now you'll be well for your trip.

    ah a lovely word verification: goodiess.a cross between goodies and godess?

    have a merveilleux time!


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