Saturday, April 17, 2010

jour huit

i'm loving the flee markets
today we went to the
marche aux puces
a la porte de vanves
above some of my goodies
paper-bank note, advertisement,
hand written letter and stamps
lots of metal and
a brownie for my collection
this must have been a display for an art store

funny puppets
( lu, these are the french men i found for you)

some things need no translation


  1. the King at the flea market? Ha Ha, so glad you're having a wonderful time.

  2. love it.. hope you're having the time of your life.. what a glorious trip!

  3. A good haul. That art box sure is interesting as are the puppets. Thanks for generously posting during your trip. It feels like we're tagging along.

  4. What wonderful treasures you came home with. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  5. Nancy,

    Do you want me to go over to your place and do your client's hair??? Yikes. Half of the big smoke will be running around with roots showing!

  6. did you buy the display for the art store??? i must know! have fun on this extended day in France

  7. WOW!!! SO many wonderful goodies. I am so excited for you and you are making me want to get over to France, soon..


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