Monday, April 26, 2010

getting back in the groove

i'm finally feeling back to normal
thursday was a long travel day
i worked friday and saturday
and was in a coma all day sunday
just cat napping on the couch and watching
all my taped shows i missed while away
i had a wonderful time in paris
took 5507 photos!!!
i'll be busy for a while sorting through them
i start my encaustic class next wednesday
i think i will be doing a "parisian" themed series
using my photos and metal i found at the markets

above, a garden photo taken
on our way into versailles
thanks kim
for letting me know what kind of flower it is


  1. Welcome back, I'll be watching your creations.

  2. Hi Nancy, glad you have made it back safe and sound. You must have been so tired to go to work. Can hardly wait to see a few of those 5,000+ pics, I bet they are awesome. I love the pic you posted today, gorgeous.

  3. gosh~! welcome back! that is a lot of photos!! guess you will have lots of image to use for a long time to come!!

  4. I'm really looking forward to seeing what encaustic masterpieces you make with your Paris photos.

  5. really, what kind of flower is is very happy you are home safely...i know you will be busy sorting through your 5,000 photos or more...have fun...blessings Eden

  6. Hey Nancy, it would appear as though you had a great time in Paris....look forward to seeing some new photoshop work using those images. By the way, I believe the flower is Fritillaria Imperialis.


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