Tuesday, March 23, 2010


well, the countdown begins
only 16 more days
i'm so excited
now i have time to do some research
and decide what to do on my trip
i've been listening to my french cd
and looking online at "what's on" in paris
if anyone has any suggestions
or "must see's or do's"
please let me know
above, and old paris photo,
post card, french text and a frame
layered in ps


  1. DO....be sure and have fun!

    DON'T....forget that you're in the most romantic city in the world while you're there!

    that's all I got, because I've never been....

    have fun! 16 days is not long away....
    ciao bella

  2. Try to see everything, if anyone can do it you can. Buy vintage something to use in your art.

  3. I've never been. So no suggestions.
    But wishing you the best time ever.

  4. Oh, I am so excited for you. Will you keep a journal of your visit? Are you going to be painting? Will you be in the countryside with all the heather? Gosh, how wonderful it is going to be. I can't wait for you either!

  5. 1. All the "eries"...patisseries, boulangeries, fromageries, chocolateries.

    2. Eiffel Tower

    3. Batobus from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame...an architectural boat tour.

    4. Musee d'Orsay.

    5. Pere La Chaise cemetery. (take the bus)

    6. Tour Montpanasse for lunch a wonderful view of the Eiffel tower and that part of the city.

    7. Jardins Luxembourg.

    8. Cafe de Flore...late at night. Order an omlette with salad and champagne!

    9. La Poilane bakery

    10. Laduree.

    11. Monoprix.

    12. Pierre Herme....macarons...pistachio.

    13. Cafe Constant.

    14. Sacre Coeur and all the fabric district at its base.

    Since you are going with the Queen of marche de puces....you'll have a wonderful time. The weather will be splendid. Have a blast!!!

  6. Hi Nancy,

    I just saw Julie/Julia yesterday on video. I wondered if you saw it. The character Julia in the movie really delivered a flare for French cuisine and the culture. It was a fun movie to watch. Enjoy your travels and adventure.



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