Sunday, March 14, 2010

getting ready

with less than a week to go
for my first solo art show
i'm feeling a little tired,
anxious, nervous
and excited
anyone who would like to attend
email me at


  1. How exciting, Nancy! You're stuff is so gorgeous, I'm sure it will be well received. Hoping all the last minute details will fall into place for you.

  2. So excited for you, can hardly wait to hear how it all went. I know it will be a wonderful time for you.

  3. I'll be there with you in spirit! Good luck with this, you will be a hit!

  4. It will be great. Smile and enjoy it all then go home and collapse.

  5. Oh gosh, how exciting! So wish I could come along too, as I looove your work so much, particularly your encaustic creations. But will be thinking of you all the same: this week amidst all the frantic busy-ness of making final preparations and during the show too. Big hugs xxx

  6. This is so cool! take lots of pictures to post for those of us who are far away.

  7. Congratulations Nancy. With your stunning art it will be a smash success ..wish I could be there! Post lots of photos so we can share!!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS best of luck to you and heres to many sales!!!

  9. I would love to attend but alas I am far away on the USA I will be thinking of you on your very big nite...I know you will post everything for us far away friends and admirers!

  10. I know your show is going to be fabulous! See you Saturday with bells on.
    P.S. I'd wish you luck, but I just happen to know that you're good luck incarnated. You'll be spreading it to the rest of us.

  11. Bravo, Nancy and best of success!

  12. Nancy! I hope it went wonderfully! Let us know! I am having my first solo show this summer..don't have a clue as to how to do this!!! The gallery will be helping I imagine!


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