Tuesday, February 9, 2010

quite time

finally, some quite time
i started my second
i find it very relaxing to just sit and play with
all the techniques i've learned so far in week one
susan's class is very user friendly,
with easy to follow videos and instructions
and we have a flickr group to post and see every ones work
(you may have to take the class in order to view this page?)
you can see what i've worked on here
retro technique one

the sweet spot and the blur

vintage retro technique two
i can't wait to get started with week two
i'll keep you posted


  1. Love it! You have switched gears for now. Give your lungs a chance to breath in computer fumes instead of wax. Ha Ha, just kidding, I was truly amazed at the air when we did our encaustic card class, I have to say, I'd be looking around for more ventilation if I were to do this again. No plans as yet... I think we may be taking a couple of clasess in Virginia with the Lost Aussie.

  2. More user friendly than the other one we're taking?

  3. I can feel your enthusuasm for this coming through the computer screen. Very cool pictures.

  4. OMG! this is too much.. I have been on trip and for days now I have been planning to do a post titled VISUAL POETRY-- and I just came to your post and saw the title on your post as well-- oh my goodness-- well I am going ahead as I have been working on my post for several days-- isn't this amazing how connected we are even when we don't know it?

  5. Hi Nancy,
    I love your photos! I don't remember learning about the "sweet spot and the blur" in DJ's class. Can you tell me a little more about it? I love that look and I'm looking at purchasing a better lens for my Nikon, but I didn't realize you could achieve that in PS? I have PS CS3. Thanks. Rebecca


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