Tuesday, October 27, 2009

switching gears

it's been since the spring that i've made any jewelry
i've been so busy with my encaustic class and yarn
that i thought it was time for a little change
i've had so many ideas running through my head
and since christmas is less then 9 weeks away
i got a little carried away this weekend
24 necklaces so far
it was a gorgeous day today
i tried taking photos out side but kept
getting a glare from all the silver
my scanner wasn't any better
so sorry about the quality of the photos


  1. They are lovely. When I saw your title of the post before I realized what you were doing, I thought "Oh she's adding gears to something." I was a beautiful day today, I put most of my garden to bed.

  2. these pieces are lovely.. i remember the piece you made for one world one heart last year.. your jewelry is just beautiful.

  3. These look completely different from what you've done in the past. Very interesting. Can't wait to see them in person.

  4. Good Lord, woman! What *can't* you do? Lovely work.

  5. lovely! they have such a nice balance.


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