Saturday, October 17, 2009

missing yarn?

"honest mum,
i didn't touch the yarn"
with a face like this..............
i have to believe i only
brought home 2 balls of brown not 3
my baby, 12 weeks old today
she has doubled her size in the 5 weeks
since we first brought her home


  1. Oh my goodness that is the sweetest kitty face! She's just lovely. She could never have taken that yarn.

  2. "seriously! i was learning to knit and purrrrl."

    she's adorable!
    how do you get anything done!


  3. There is no way that the owner of that face would *ever* do anything naughty :-)

  4. Well, isn't she just the cat's meow! You should get her one of those laser moving targets. Last night Tayoh actually ran after the moving beam and tried to pounce on it. It would be better suited for a youngster. Plus you don't have to hold it - the machine does all the work once you turn it on.

  5. She's adorable Nancy! What's her name?


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