Friday, April 24, 2009

i'm so honoured

i'm so honoured
i've received two awards
the sisterhood award from brendalea
the renee award from aimeslee
at paper paisleys
thanks ladies!!
it's been a joyful year blogging
i've "met" so many wonderful, talented,
creative, inspiring, fun, caring and giving people
i think everyone deserves an award!


  1. Hey, you are worthy! (Wayne's World, anyone? winkwink) Cool Sisterhood award, it's like those pants, right? Have a good weekend! Oh, and I intentionally commented on the day before's post too, to test out your new process so as not to miss comments on old posts, lol. I love to comment that way, so you probably didn't read half of mine, lol. I have all mine emailed to me. It works great. xoxo, Aimeslee

  2. Congratulations! You deserve these sweet awards!


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