Friday, April 3, 2009

april showers

april showers bring may flowers
yesterday was gorgeous
14 celsius that's 60 fehrenheit
(for toronto that's above average)
it gave me some time to wonder through my garden
and uncover what's growing under the fall leaves
it's so exciting to see my babies sprouting up
buds are forming on my lilac bush,
clematis and honeysuckle
i see bleeding hearts, sedum, chives, bee balm
shasta daisy and echinacea
my lilies and iris are 3 inches
looking through my garden journal
it inspired me to do some sketching
above, an iris
which after i scanned the sketch
i played with it in ps and
added some color


  1. I too have Iris coming up. And new growth on my honesuckle and my climbing roses. We've had snow twice since now in April and I so hope it doesn't ruin the Spring flowers. Love your Iris drawing and the color you chose for it. My favorite.

  2. Our climates must be similar...My lilac bushes are budding...and we have clematis, sedum and iris coming up...though one of my favourites is easy to grow and smells fabulous.

    Your illustration is lovely...I like what you've done with in it ps.

  3. But it was raining badly, you strolled? I too am excited by my spring showings of new growth. My back lawn looks great with the crocus'. No rabbits yet! it makes me feel like all that work is worth it.


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