Saturday, January 3, 2009

try and try again

after yesterdays post
i was wondering "how did i do that?"
it's been 2 years since i created that one
i've learned a lot since then
one thing is to save every stage!
so i figured since i did it once i could do it again
first step, find the pictures i used
one was from alcatraz ( a great source for decay)
and the second from a light house near pacifica
just outside san francisco
second step , which i always do
play with the hue/saturation
the brightness/contrast
and shadows/highlights
plus i aways have to see what a picture looks like in b/w

step 3 is adding color
just for fun and to give some contrast
step 4 layer one on top of the other and
use the "multiply" blending mode
find the right positioning and crop and save
then the fun begins
i love to try on every mode
just to see what happens
below are just a few alternatives from the original

you never know what will happen after playing in ps


  1. Love the step by step tutorial. I'm always forgetting how I did something and then waste time trying to get back there.


  2. Thank you so much for this tutorial! This ought to jump start my dabbling in PS again. I'll be sure to try your technique.


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