Wednesday, August 6, 2008

feeling under the weather since i returned home from my long weekend visit with my sister
i've been playing around with some of my photos taken during my stay on lake erie
i don't know why i like this one, maybe its all the cold meds ,
or the ttv i found while looking through flickr
either way, i like it, something very calming about the whole thing
so i decided to use some of the photos in my new header


  1. ahhhhhhhhhh
    very calming
    deeply reflective

    feel better soon!

  2. Hi Nancy, exploring your blog some more and even your web site. I'm loving all the cool things you do with your photos. Do you have any lessons you do for the process? I just bought a book by Angela Cartwright so am going to try some of her techniqes but am looking for anything I can learn. I really want to do some mixed media things that incorporate more artistic uses of photos. Again, I'm realy loving what you do.


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