Sunday, June 22, 2008


this weeks topic -- Hoarding
i must admit i am a bit of a hoarder
really, how can you not be!
with all my interests and curiosities, i can't help it
no matter where i go, i'm on the look out ,
for that little bit of something to spark my creative thoughts into a piece of art
i have rooms, closets and cupboards dedicated to my "stuff"
shelves full of baskets and boxes filled with everything and anything you can imagine
i usually clean and purge my space once or twice a year
just so that I don't get overwhelmed with too much
as my interests change I move things around ,
put some stuff away, and give some to my friends
if i never accumulate another thing i will have enough to last at
least two lifetimes and still have some leftover!

i went to a giant yard sale last weekend and found this great little shelf
so i decided to fill it with some of my stuff.


  1. its a great and clear idea, your image !!

  2. Oh Nancy...are we related? This post describes me to a T!
    Love your assemblage and presentation, very clever!

  3. I love these old printers drawers!! I had to enlarge it to enjoy your treasures :) Excellent entry for hoard!

  4. cool hoard, love the little shelving unit, that's just what I need for my own little treasures:)


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