Friday, June 6, 2008

beads, beads and more beads

after being glued to the computer
i thought i needed a break and decided to go shopping
at my favorite bead store, Arton.
i can't resist buying everything ! you can never have enough!
not knowing what to make i visited my favorite blog for inspiration
i love everything she makes and wish i had her "stash of stuff"
i started with the blue bracelet, and then got on a roll
so i continued with a black and white theme
which quickly turned into making a matching necklace and earrings!
I hoping to sit in the garden this weekend and see what else I can come up with.


  1. Hey Nance .... Great jewellry and super work on your blog. You've added so much interesting stuff. Keep the fuel in the tank!! XO Dede

  2. Love all the new pics and have backtracked to the jewelery bits..they are gorgeous! Hope the sample page helped!


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