Monday, January 19, 2009

one world one heart


well today is the day
where bloggers get to meet new friends
so to all my new friends
thanks for stopping by
and i hope you enjoy
please add a comment below
with your link so i can visit you

this is the prize to drawn on feb.12th
i think everyone deserves a prize
so i'm working on some hand made art cards
as a thank-you to all (limit 150 cards to be made)
also, anyone who adds to my "followers"
will be added to my links list
thanks again, nancy

link back to my main page

link to my photograpy

some of my art

my jewelry


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Lois0607 said...

Beautiful heart - Thanks

MissTaken said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Please enter my name for the draw.

hayfootstrawfoot at gmail dot com

Thank you,

Corryna said...

How wonderful! The beaded heard is very artful. I would love to be in your drawing.

Andrea, the little collector said...

You have a lovely blog! I like your photos. Nice to meet you! Have a lovely time with OWOH.

Deborah said...

Simply stunning. Please enter me in your giveaway.
deb260 at

Anonymous said...

Oh.My.God. That is just gorgeous. Thank you so much for your generosity and the sharing of your talent! It's just stunning!

Margo said...

What a wonderful giveaway!! :-)

Thank you!!

kathy55439 said...

I love the beading very nice....

Candie L said...

Guess I should have come by here sooner (for the art cards). That is extremely generous of you. Thank you.


laurel said...

What a beautiful giveaway! Count me in. OWOH #898.

Unknown said...

Please enter my name in your giveaway! What a wonderful treasure to have.


Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Gorgeous necklace! I love all the different beads. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I would love to be entered into your give-away.

Your work is lovely.


lulu moonwood murakami said...

This is SOOOOO gorgeous! I'm glad I clicked on your name! Please enter me in your giveaway, and I invite you to visit my blog, too. Thanks, lulu

Unknown said...

I can't believe you are giving away this beautiful heart... WOW!!! that is so generous...

Would love to see you over at my blog entering my giveaway :-)

OWOH #401

Laney said...

That's just gorgeous. I hope I win! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

So wonderful!!!

Please include me...

Thank you,


Kimberly Hellams said...

I love your giveaway. Please include me in your drawing.

Vanessa said...

This is beautiful! Please add me to your list.

ozlynda said...

Oh my gosh! That heart is sunning.
I peeked through your other jewelery and your work is fab.
Please enter me into the draw and thanks for your generosity.
Lynda - Australia
lyndat65 at
I do hope I win.

Anonymous said...

The heart is very charming. Include me in your raffle. Thanks

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

This is beautiful. Please add me in the drawing. Thank you.

Susan said...

I don't have a blog - yet - but I had to let you know that I just loved this piece. Really beautiful.


Beth M said...

This is a gorgeous necklace!! Please include me in your drawing.

Violette Laporte said...

Lovely heart. I would love to win it. Come and visit my blog :

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous piece. It's so lovely.

Valerie said...

Very beautiful! If you haven't already please hop over to my giveaway I'm #505 on the caravan.

Bev said...

Gorgeous! Please enter me in your giveaway.


Anonymous said...

This is so pretty. I would love to win!

Lydia said...

Pick me-pick me! tehe:) Lydia #908

caseykelp said...

What a beautiful giveaway and addition to the caravan. Thank you.

Linda said...

Love the heart. Please enter me.


Michel said...

Such a beautiful heart! Please add my name to your list.

JoaniB said...

What a gorgeous piece! Just thinking that I might be that lucky makes me happy. Your work is so unique and spectacular. Joani

Annmarie said...

WOW - what a great piece of art! How creative! Thanks for participating. annmarie (

CreativSpirit said...

I would love to be entered in the draw for your beautiful gift, thanks.


Karan Simoni said...

WOW!!! I love your work. Please enter me in your drawing! I am on the caravan too #126. Come by and enter my drawing. I am giving away some art created from dumpster diverted materials.

Joaniebolognie said...

What a beautiful heart! Please add my name and visit my OWOH #522!

Diane said...

Your blog is beautiful & your artwork is stunning! Please count me in for the giveaway. I am #543 on the list if you haven't already stopped by. Thanks!Diane

Rose said...

Just gorgeous! I hope I win. :)

Laurie said...

I absolutely love your giveaway - how generous! I hope you will visit my blog to enter mine as well - #430.

Anonymous said...

Please include me in your drawing! Thank you for letting me take part of OWOH... I have just really started crafting when my husband joined the army in November so it keeps me busy I love to see all these great creations and ideas people have!

Please check out my OWOH #800 Monica's Crafts

Thanks Monica Kelly

Kim Reid said...

Fabulous Gift!! Please enter me in your great giveaway - Thank you!

kimberlybreid [at] hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Oh, dying to win that gorgeous prize!

happyichigo♥ said...

cute give away! count me in! and thanks for giving the chance to win this fab prize!

Barbara said...

How very beautiful! Please add my name in your wonderful drawing. Thank you so much.

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your beautiful giveaway. Stop by and enter mine if you haven't already.
Happy OWOH.

Mary Ellen said...

beautiful work

Nichola said...

This is beautiful. Thanks for the drawing.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous heart! Please enter me in your generous giveaway.

Lady Di said...

This piece is truly amazing. Consider me registered.

Jendy said...

Please enter me in your drawing. And if you haven't yet, it's not too late to stop by and enter mine.
Thanks for the inspiration!

elsmarlouamrman said...

The heart is beautiful. Thanks for this chance.

Aleda said...

That is a *stunning* pendant. Thanks for having a giveaway. :)

Dottie said...

What a stunning piece...I love everything about it!

Please add me to your list of entries and if you have a chance, please visit my blog and giveaway at (#669) Thanks!

Sharon said...

Just beautiful! Please enter me in your drawing. If you have time and haven't been by yet, come check out my blog to see if you want to enter my giveaway. I'm #707 on the OWOH list.

Art of Jana said...

I think your heart is beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway and if you haven't entered mine, please come on by!

(#905 - OWOH ) Jana

P.S. I'll be coming back to hang out …I started late entering and I'm rushing to get to all of them! …
So many giveaways - so little time! :)

KV Creative Designs said...

Gorgeous!!! I hope to win it! If you have not done so already come visit my OWOH giveaway #438!
Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,

Arzu said...

*sneaks in an entry at the last minute* Gorgeous prize!

Nelsby said...

I just love the philosophy of the OWOH event. Thanks so much for YOUR generous giveaway. I would be thrilled to win!
awaerhouse at gmail dot com

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© The Evolution of Nancy
CoffeeShop Designs